Concrete Anchors - Light-Medium Duty
Concrete Anchors - Heavy-Duty
Wall Anchors
Concrete Screws - Tapcon Screws
Concrete Anchors - Light-Medium Duty
Hammer Drive Anchors 
Hammer Drive Anchors are hardened steel nails embedded in a cylindrical steel base, similar to Drive Pin Anchors except for the composition of the base. Sometimes called Concrete Metal Hit Anchors, Hammer Drive Anchors are used for fastening to concrete, brick or block, and driven by hammer. Once installed, this part is tamper-resistant. Hammer Drive Anchor diameter will be equal to the hole size
Drive Pin Anchors 
Drive Pin Anchors, also called Nylon Nails or Nylon Nail-It Anchors, are hardened steel nails embedded in a cylindrical nylon base. There is a small shoulder at the top of the base. They are used for light fastening into concrete, brick or block, and driven by hammer. Drive Pin Anchors are not recommended for structural or ceiling applications. Drive Pin Anchors come in two different head styles: round and flat. Drive Pin Anchor diameter will be equal to the hole size.
Wood Screw Lead Anchors 
Wood Screw Lead Anchors are wedged into a hole and then expanded for a tight fit with the insertion of a wood screw or similar item. They are used where strength requirements are not as great as when shields are used, and are not threaded internally.
Wood Screw Lead Anchors can also be used in solid masonry and concrete, and are used for light, shallow hold anchoring. As it expands, the outer wall flows into any irregularities in the hole wall, enabling correct setting in imperfect holes.
Machine Screw Anchors 
Machine Screw Anchors are female concrete anchors used to anchor into brick , block , or concrete, and have internal machine screw threads . Machine screw anchors require a setting tool, also sold by InStock Fasteners.
Concrete Anchors - Heavy-Duty
Wedge Anchors
Wedge anchors are for attaching fixtures to a solid such as concrete . The installed end of the anchor features a conical segment with a metal clip around it. Upon setting the anchor the cone pulls up through the clip and pushes the clip against the sides of the hole. This gives the anchor its holding power within the hole. Anchor diameter will be equal to the hole size.
Expansion of the wedge anchor creates large point bearing stresses within the hole; therefore, this anchor requires a solid base material to develop its full capacity. For this reason, brick and partially filled mortar joints in brick walls or paving may be unsuitable for wedge anchor usage.
Sleeve Anchors 
Sleeve anchors also are used to attach fixtures to solid materials. A bolt is surrounded by a cylindrical metal sleeve. They operate by the expansion of the sleeve into the base material when one tightens the bolt. Expanding the sleeve along the length of the anchor enables a larger bearing surface than that offered by the wedge anchor, and can better adhere to irregular surfaces within the base material than can the wedge anchor. Therefore, sleeve anchors can be better suited for brick masonry than wedge anchors. Sleeve anchor diameter will be equal to the hole size.
Sleeve Anchors come in models with round-headed bolts, flat-headed bolts, bolts with a hex nut/washer assembly, and bolts with an acorn nut/washer assembly.
Drop-In Anchors 
Drop-In Anchors are designed for solid concrete base material, and are not recommended for masonry or brick. Drop-in anchors are a female mating part anchor with coarse threads. The drop-in anchor requires a setting tool for expanding the anchor.
Expansion Shield
Expansion shields may be single or double piece design. Both are inserted for shear loads or where the bolt may be under side pressure or vibration. Expansion shields consist of a nut, a cone and a tubular shield that are put together as a single unit. The two-piece tubular shield in either version contains a wedge shaped nut at one end, a wedge shaped hollow cone at the other end and is held in place by two spring bands. The expansion at both ends of the shield spreads the anchored load throughout its length
L-Shaped Anchor Bolts
Wall Anchors
Hollow Wall Anchors (Molly Screws, Molly Bolts) 
Also called molly bolts or molly screws, hollow wall anchors provide a cheap, fast method for attaching heavy items to drywall. The user threads a screw, or thread-ended hook, through the Hollow Wall Anchor, then pushes it through the wallboard into the hollow space in the wall. The anchor is placed into the hole before driving the screw or attaching the hook.
Toggle Wings (Toggle Bolts) 
Toggle wings are light-duty anchors used with machine screws in hollow block or drywall board. The user drives the machine screw through the hole at the center of the spring-loaded toggle wings, which then folds for installation through a predrilled hole. Once through the hole, the wings re-open on the other side of the hollow block or drywall board. With the machine screw toggle wings are often called toggle bolts. Machine screw is sold separately.
Plastic Anchors
Concrete Screws 
Tapcon® -style concrete screws are driven into concrete, brick and block, and serve as anchors. These concrete screws tap threads into a predrilled hole.
The concrete screw has alternating raised and lowered threads with sharp cut notches that offer essential grip and stability. A blue xylan coating (comparable to Stalgard coating) offers longer life and enables easier driving.
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